Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Part-Time CFO: Saving the Day for Small Business Owners Everywhere!

Perhaps the highest value service we can provide at INWA is for our owner, Kevin Strain, to fill in as your interim CFO

High-performing CFO's and controllers are a rare breed and when you have one retire or otherwise depart, filling that spot permanently can be a lengthy and expensive affair. This is where the interim CFO comes into play.

Having a strong part-time or interim CFO assist in negotiating loans with banks, preparing the monthly/quarterly/yearly financials, mapping out tax-mitigation strategies, and ensuring GAAP and overall financial regulatory compliance means peace-of-mind for owners and security for the business, not to mention potentially increasing profitability!

Kevin has extensive practical experience as a financial controller, working directly under three different small-to-mid-size business owners during the last ten years, and can attest to the high demands placed on them by the nature of their businesses. On two occasions, Kevin was called upon to replace the outgoing CFO permanently, so your business is in good hands.

You may need Kevin's assistance for only a few weeks, several months or even up to a year in maintaining a well-ordered financial house. Everything can be tailored to your needs and we place the highest value on your time and ventures!

Call 509-953-4298 or email us at to ask for a free 30 minute consultation and learn more about how we can best serve you! Godspeed!

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