Tuesday, June 20, 2023

The Magical Finch Arboretum


I was introduced to the John A. Finch Arboretum on the western side of Spokane many years ago but only just recently started taking my family there last year. The Finch Arboretum features dozens of different tree and bush species, some of which likely not found anywhere else in the region, and totals over two thousand individual flora spread across sixty-five wooded acres!

Our most recent trip was today on a cool afternoon which turned into, at first a light rainy hike, and then later a downpour (incidentally, not a common occurrence in the second half of June in Spokane). Fortunately, rain happens to be a favorite environment for my kids so combine that with the beautiful arboretum trails, it was a great success!

At this point, I could turn the story from narrating this wonderful time I had with my family into some business lesson about trimming back the growth on trails, or helping guide business owners through the maze of different challenges, or stopping to examine your business segments (tree species analogously) more closely.....you get the picture.

Nope. Just wanted to share some neat pictures and encourage you to take your families out to explore the many trails and magical outdoor areas the Pacific Inland Northwest has to offer!

Get out there, be safe and Godspeed!

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